Neonatal Unit - incubator and baby warmer
WUTH Charity continues to support the Trust’s smallest patients by focussing on state-of-the-art equipment which can make a real difference to care.
The Trust’s Neonatal Unit cares for some of the smallest and weakest babies in the North West region, including babies from 23 weeks onwards, sometimes weighing as little as 500g. The availability of modern medical equipment for monitoring and treatment is central to this service.
In 2017/18, the Neonatal Unit’s mission was supported by the purchase of an incubator.
The design of this incubator allows parents comfortable access to their baby. It was also purchased complete with a portable power source, which allows a baby to be transported between locations without interrupting their care.
Additionally, the Charity purchased an infant warmer (pictured above). It includes resuscitation systems, and an integrated in-bed scale, which is particularly useful for weighing newborns.
Its ‘open’ design allows easy access to the baby for both parents and staff, whilst keeping the baby warm and secure.
Julie Knox (Deputy Ward Sister) said
“Without generous charitable donations we would not be able to buy equipment like this, which makes caring for these vulnerable babies easier for us and safer for them.”

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