Louise and Phil Edwards from Greasby will be forever grateful to Wirral’s Neonatal Unit, which cared for their little girl, Neve, for three months after she was born 15 weeks early. Born at just 25 weeks Neve weighed just 870 grams (1lb 14.5oz) and was given just a 30% chance of survival. During her time on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neve fought off various infections, had nine blood transfusions and was treated with many courses of antibiotics and pain killers. Over Christmas she became so poorly with a tummy infection called Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) she was classed as clinically unstable and her weight dropped to 1lb 11oz.

Her mum Louise explained: “I thought having my baby so early was the most terrifying experience of my life but that was nothing compared to watching her get so poorly and not being able to do anything to make her better. Amazingly, with the help of the incredible staff on the unit, our gorgeous little fighter pulled through. She then went from strength to strength and after seven weeks in intensive care, she was moved to the high dependency room.” Whilst in HDU she continued to grow and was able to come off a ventilator and onto other methods of ventilation. As she progressed, Neve was moved into the unit’s nursery in late February, where she learnt to feed herself, rather than be tube fed. She learnt to control her own body temperature and to breathe on low flow oxygen.
Finally, on the 9th March 2016, after 95 days on the unit, Louise and Phil were able to take their beautiful little fighter home.
Reflecting on that momentous day, Louise said: “It was the happiest and proudest day of my life. The dedication and expertise of the staff on the unit are without a doubt the reason our daughter is still here. Words cannot express how thankful Phil and I will forever be for the wonderful care our whole family received while Neve was on the unit. Without the amazing staff there our world would have simply stopped turning. They feel like family and although we feel that saying thank you is simply not enough, we have been fundraising to try give a little back for all they have given us.”
As well as holding several raffles, Louise and Phil also took on the challenge of running the Chester half marathon to raise money for the unit as a way of showing their gratitude
These days Neve is a happy, healthy baby. Her parents are confident that she will succeed in everything she chooses.