Donate directly through JustGiving or create a personal JustGiving fundraising page - it's free to do and sponsors will be able to pay securely through the page. As an added bonus, we are able to claim any applicable Gift Aid from each donation, if you give consent and are a UK tax payer.
Standing order
To become a regular donor, please complete the Standing Order Form, and return to the Fundraising Office.
Bank transfer
We accept direct transfers into the WUTH Charity bank account.
Sort code: 60 – 70 – 80
Account number: 10029753
Cash donations can be received at the Trust’s cash offices at the Arrowe Park or Clatterbridge sites, or be paid to the Charity through a local bank or post office, account details as above.
Please do not send cash by post. We will send you a receipt and acknowledge your donation by letter, if you wish.
Cheques can be posted or handed in to the Fundraising Office or cash offices, made payable to WUTH Charity, postal address at the bottom of this page.
Gift Aid
The Gift Aid Form can be used to accompany any donation to WUTH Charity, and seeks consent from yourself as the donor, for us to reclaim tax amounts that you have paid as a UK tax payer. To maximise the power of your donation, please complete the Gift Aid form and return to the Charity Office.